Surprise from a school assignment

Hannah and I are reading The Hiding Place for school. This is a story I am very familiar with. I saw the movie years ago, when it first came out, and Rebekah was in a play. However, just having read the first three chapters, I think this book is going to be way more than I imagined it to be. Mr. ten Boom seems to have been a very godly man with much wisdom. For example:
  • When Corrie asked her father to explain sex to her, he asked her to carry a travel case that was obviously too heavy for her. She said she would not be able to carry it. He told her that as her father it was his responsibility to carry things for her that were too heavy until she could handle them. This was one of those things.
  • On losing her first love, her father comforted her with the words, "Whenever we cannot love in the old, human way, God can give us the perfect way."
  • He once told Corrie that our heavenly Father knows just what we need, and when we need it; don't run ahead of Him.

I think this book is going to be very challenging and inspiring. I look forward to finishing it.


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