Easter 2023

 This was the moment that all of redemptive history had been hurtling toward. He was not there; He had risen from the grave. Death, the grave, and the gates of hell could not prevail against our Savior. (Taken from She Reads Truth)

“God raised Him up, ending the pains of death, because it was not possible for Him to be held by death.” ~Acts 2:24

It is the resurrection, and only the resurrection, that changes sadness, sorrow and defeat into hope, joy and power. (From Truth for Life)

Today is not like any other Easter I have ever had. David is recovering from 4 months in the hospital due to COVID. He is dealing with many physical limitations as a result of those 4 months of lying in a hospital bed, not moving. He struggles to walk. He cannot eat solid food. His body is in pain all day, every day. 

So, instead of spending today in church celebrating the risen Lord, we will watch a service online. Instead of spending the afternoon with our children and grandchildren, only one will give us her time and come spend the afternoon with us. 

I am learning to die daily to my wants, desires, and needs. This is the hardest journey I have ever encountered. But thanks be to my risen Lord, I can do this with the strength of His Holy Spirit that lives within me. That is the only way I can get up in the morning and face the day.

Hallelujah, He is risen. He is risen indeed!


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