A Disappointing Day

To say today was a disappointing day is a little of an understatement.

First, we went to a doctor that we were referred to by the PT doctor. He was supposed to help with the hamstring problem David is having. Well, this doctor is not a knee doctor, much less helpful with hamstrings. He is a foot and ankle specialist. He said he would try to get us to a knee specialist within the practice.

Second, at physical therapy David’s knee measurements were not only worse, in the therapist’s words “much worse.” 

But God…

In my devotional readings today, I was taken to Psalm 122. Verses 7 & 8 say,

“He (the righteous) is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD. His heart is steady; he will not be afraid…”

Thank You, dear Father, for always going ahead of me and for providing exactly what I need when I need it. Thank You for the truth of Your word, alive and active!

So, today is now over and tomorrow is a new chance to experience God’s goodness and grace. His mercies are new every morning. Thank goodness!


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