My Last High School Graduate

Moriah is finished with High School! Which means I am finished with Homeschooling! This is bittersweet for me. I miss the activity of having a lot to do; yet I don't miss the hectic days of having so much to do you couldn't catch a breath all day.

Let's face it, I enjoyed the privilege of spending every day with my girls and learning right along with them. I will confess there were days I thought I was the craziest person on the planet for attempting to educate my children at home. But the fun days, the good days, far out weigh the bad days. 

In the early days of this adventure, it was so difficult as a mom to see them struggle with something, but exciting to see them finally get it right. We found a lot of educational games to play to make the learning more fun. We would do crafts like building a "Little House on the Prairie" out of Popsicle sticks, having coloring contests and making paper-mache bowls to add to the process. Field trips were also a big part of our school experience. Our study on the state of Georgia took us to the Little White House near Columbus where President Roosevelt died.

As the years moved on and the number of children I was doing school with grew and changed, some of the extracurricular things changed also. Unfortunately, the younger ones didn't get as much of the fun stuff as the older ones had in those early days. Oh, we still played our educational games; I was sad the day they told me they were too big for them anymore! However, every time I would teach a subject I had already taught 3 or 4 times, or read a book for the 4th time I would always learn something new. After all, isn't that the point of education?!

So, my days of homeschooling have come to an end (Deborah chuckles at this statement!). Now to the next chapter of my life; that is after I finish cleaning out the schoolroom and getting rid of 25+ years of books I no longer need. I have a daughter getting married in 2 short months, and a new grandbaby to "ooh and ahh" over coming in September. Lots of things to look forward to this summer.

It has been an interesting journey and definitely an experience; one I would not have missed for the world. God has truly blessed our family through this journey and given more grace than any of us deserves. My girls are women with their whole lives ahead of them. Whether they choose a career in the secular world or the hardest of all careers, full-time motherhood, I pray they will always value the education they have received and continue to be teachable. In all they do, I pray they are examples of God's amazing grace to those around them.

Thank you, Rebekah, Deborah, Leah, Hannah and Moriah for the memories! I love you beyond words!


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