Respectable Sins-Chapter 5

The Power of the Holy Spirit

p. 39 God does not forgive because He wants to be lenient with us. He forgives because His justice has been satisfied.

p. 40 Through our union with Christ in His death, we have died, not only to sin's guilt but also to its reigning power in our lives.

How can sin possibly reign if we have died to it?

p. 41 Practically speaking, we live under the controlling influence of the Spirit as we continually expose our minds to and seek to obey the Spirit's moral will for us as revealed in Scripture.

We are in fact totally dependent upon the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. We live in dependence on Him through prayer as we continually cry out to Him for His power to enable us to obey His will.

p. 42 One of the ways the Holy Spirit works in us is to bring conviction of sin. That is, He causes us to begin to see our selfishness, our impatience, or our judgmental attitude as the sins that they truly are.

p. 43 Another way in which the Holy Spirit works in us is to enable and empower us to deal with our sin.

p. 44 Another way the Holy Spirit works for our transformation is by bringing into our lives circumstances that are designed to cause us to grow spiritually.

God is in control of every circumstance and every event of our lives, and He uses them, often in some mysterious way, to change us more into the likeness of Christ.

p. 45 Remember, Christ has already paid the penalty for our sins and won for us the forgiveness of them. And then He has sent His Holy Spirit to live within us to enable us to deal with them.

Be prepared to be humbled.

p. 46 Jesus promised blessing to those who are poor in spirit - that is, to those who face up to their sins and mourn because of them. He also promised blessing to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness - that is, to those who earnestly desire to see the sin in their lives put to death and replaced with the positive fruit of the Spirit.


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