January Snow

Woodstock received snow again on Sunday, January 9. It is now Tuesday and the snow is still on the ground. The temperatures have not gotten above freezing and the forecast does not predict that they will until Friday. Schools have been closed and will be again tomorrow. Businesses, government, everything is closed.

However, we homeschool so school is in session. So, today after the school work was done, my girls wanted to play a game. What?! A game! I have been begging for weeks to play a game. Explanation here: I used a lot of educational games in our schooling to make things more interesting and to use what they had learned and for them to see they actually did learn! Now that Hannah is a senior and Moriah is in ninth grade they don't like to play games anymore.

We did play a game (and they got excited every time they were asked a question about something we actually studied this year). In fact, we had to stop so I could cook dinner; then stop again to eat dinner.

Being stuck at home because of 6 plus inches of snow on the ground is not such a bad thing as far as I am concerned. Besides, the snow is very pretty to look at!


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