In His Time

In His time. No one likes to hear those words. Because it means Someone else controls what we want to control. In His time means we have to wait on Him; we can't make it happen ourselves. I like to be the one in control.

It doesn't matter what the "it" is either. "It" can be waiting to get a new front door, or new kitchen counter tops, or something a little more serious like a relationship to change. You pray and pray until you can't think of any new way to pray about it, but things just don't change. You begin to have bitter thoughts and feelings about the person, so you purposely replace those thoughts with pure, holy thoughts and repent, asking forgiveness for the bitter attitude. You read 1 Corinthians every day for weeks and commit it to memory knowing you are going to have to remind yourself many times that Love is an action.

Yet, nothing changes. This can be rather depressing if you are not keeping your eyes focused on His time. He knows my heart is bleeding. He knows the pain I endure just seeing that face. He knows I want this relationship to be something other than it is. He knows. He knows. He knows.

The problem then: patiently waiting on His time. As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior, I have the Holy Spirit of God Almighty living in me. That fact alone means I have the power to be patient and wait on His timing. It also means I can love someone when I don't "feel" like loving them.

I have the power of God within me!! Think about it!! How awesome is that?! This is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead! Unbelievable! Incredible!

So, if that be the case, what is my problem? Keeping my eyes focused and my heart guarded is the goal. And, of course, waiting on His time!

"God has His own timetable. His plan is established, and He's eager for us to get with it... Every time we lay down our sense of timing and willingly take up God's, we move into a plan much greater than ourselves... Needs are met. Even small details fall into place."~Open the Eyes of My Heart daily devotions

He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.~Ecclesiastes 3:11


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