Happy New Year

2011. Today is 1/1/11. A new year. It has become our tradition to spend New Year's Eve with friends and family. We eat, talk, watch football, maybe play a game or two, eat some more and talk a lot more while we wait for midnight. Then the big moment finally comes. We all count down 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! The noise hits a new high as people are shouting, blowers are being blown, poppers are being popped. It is chaos for about 5 minutes, but it is the best chaos of the whole year.

Then it's outside for the fireworks. Some of the more adventurous ones like to chance being burned and jump over the short fireworks! So far, no one has had to be rushed to the hospital, thank the Lord.

Around 1:30am or 2:00am we head home. I always enjoy this evening and hope it continues for many years to come.

Resolutions. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary (on my new Kindle) the meaning of "resolution" is: a firm decision to do or not to do something. I used to make New Year's resolutions, but I don't anymore. Most of the time, by March the resolution was a forgotten memory. So, instead of making resolutions on New Year's Eve, my ambition this year is to constantly be trying to make "a firm decision to do or not to do something" that I need to do/not do. I know this is going to take a great deal of self-disipline on my part, so this is not going to be a piece of cake! But there are things I would like to be more consistent about. Such as daily Bible reading and more quality prayer time. More earnest Scripture memory and Biblical teaching with the girls. More sensible bedtime hours for me and the girls.

There are just too many "things" I need to work on to list them all. Bottom line is: there is always room for improvement!


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