"Growing Up Is Hard To Do"

It is church camp week for Hannah and Moriah. The kids of Faith Community Church look forward to this week all year long. Sometimes I think the volunteers (kids and adults) get more excited about the week than the actual campers!

In the past when the girls would be off at camp, I would spend the days scrap booking. I would look forward to those days with as much excitement as the girls would camp. This year has been different though. One reason I think is because I am without a car at the moment and I feel helpless. But I think Hannah expressed it more to the point; I am alone more these days because the girls are older and gone a lot. Therefore this week of camp is nothing unusual, they just will not be coming home in the evening for a few days.

As the song goes, "Growing up is hard to do" is especially hard on a mom who has spent so much time with her children for all of their growing up years. Homeschooling has been my life for the past 20 plus years. Now Moriah only has 2 years left and then I will be finished. Not only will her life change on that last day of high school, so will mine.

For years I could not wait for my girls to grow up and be a little more independent, you know, not be so needy of my attention. What was I thinking? All I ever wanted to do while I was growing up was to be a stay-at-home mom with my children. I NEVER thought about the fact that they would grow up and leave! Now that reality stares me in the face every day. Honestly, I do not like it!


  1. This made me tear up! I know that my littles are still really young, but watching them grow is so much more painful than I ever imagined!


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