Learning to Trust

"Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, victorious-Thy great name we praise."
~Walter Chalmers Smith

"We can plumb the depths of another's mind. But we cannot begin to scratch the surface of the unsearchable judgments of God.

God is in sovereign control, ...In the midst of those very circumstances that today have you baffled, wondering what you're going to do, or even how you're going to go on, you can rest assured that God's power and sovereign control are already at work. God never knows frustration. He never has to scratch His head, wondering what in the world He's going to do next...

If necessary, He will bring you to nothing to get your attention. He will even crush you, if need be... Because God and God alone is calling the shots."
~Esther by Charles Swindoll

I've always thought I trust God completely with everything in my life. Yet, do I truly know what that means? If He is sovereign, He knows my circumstances better than I do; He knows my needs better than I do. If He is sovereign, He knows the outcome of even the hurtful situations I go through. And if He is sovereign, His will is being accomplished and I need to trust that it will be for my good.

I may not be able to see His hand at work all the time, but His ways are unsearchable and unfathomable. Here comes the trust part. Do I or don't I trust Him? I desire more than anything to say a resounding YES, but I have to look deep to make sure I am answering truthfully. Because answering yes, means I cannot manipulate to make things come out my way. I have to wait patiently (there's THAT again) for Him to work all things out in His way and in His timing.

I don't think it's a casual "Let go and let God" thing; I really believe there's more to it than that. I believe as I learn to trust Him more, my faith will grow and my daily walk with Him will become more intimate and satisfying.

No one ever said this walk of faith lifestyle was easy. The issue of trust is definitely a hard one for me, but with His guidance I will learn to completely trust Him in everything.


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