Tuesday at St. George

Into our 2nd week of vacation. Last week, David, Rebekah, Hannah, Moriah and I were in Orlando. We went to Sea World and Busch Gardens. Tuesday was Hannah's 18th birthday. We had hoped to spend the day at Discovery Cove so she could swim with the dolphins. But we did not make a reservation early enough. Gee, I wonder who said we should do that 3 weeks ago!

So, instead of swimming with dolphins, the girls got to feed dolphins at Sea World. They loved watching them and trying to pet them. I think they would have spent the whole day at the dolpin pool.

At Busch Gardens, we experienced bad weather again. No rain, just stormy skies which stopped the rides momentarily. We wanted to take the truck ride where you get up close and personal with the giraffes and zebras, but by the time we got to the reservations desk they were full for the day. We did get to feed the kangaroos, though! Again, I think the girls would have spent the whole day with them!

Now we are on St. George Island at the beach. The house is not exactly great, but it is big. I have to keep reminding myself that it is a house at the beach and be thankful! We are at the end of the island and the beach is nearly deserted. The house next door is gorgeous; probably the nicest house I have ever seen. The ladies that are renting it for the week locked themselves out as they were unpacking the day they arrived. We could see them out our kitchen window and they flagged us down. We very willfully went over to let them in and they gave us a tour of the house; they had not even been through the house themselves yet! Let's just say that house is NOT a beach house!

Amelia is starting to walk! It is so exciting to watch her go through these growing stages. I predict she will be walking unattended before we leave the beach.

Today started out very stormy; the sky was blue, but stormy blue. The roar was not the crashing of the waves, but the peal of thunder. The burn today was not sunburn; it was wind and sand burn.

There is a family of dolphins that traverse these waters. This morning they were very close to shore. It's like they were waiting for people to come out and play.


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