It's March!

Today is March 6. How did that happen?! Today is our daughter's 9 year wedding anniversary. It is a beautiful sunny day today, just like that day 9 years ago. It is very cold today, in the 30s.

Every year I tell myself I am going to write on this blog more often, and yet, here it is into March and this is the first time I am writing, or even looking at it!

January and February were cold and rainy. We endured a lot of sickness within the family; we like to share!! David turned 60 last weekend!

Mom was moved into a nursing home in January; now, finally, Daddy gets to move there also. I am very interested to hear what their reactions will be when they see each other for the first time in 2 months. I so wish I could be there! My sisters have been taking care of everything for them for years; I fight the guilt of not being there to help. This is self-imposed guilt - my sisters are great at not throwing it in my face that I am not there. 

Mom and Daddy have moved at least 4 times since 2012 when they moved out of their house of 46 years! Now, this should be the last move. This is a sad thing to think about, but in all likelihood reality. With each move my sisters have tried to eliminate as many possessions as possible that were not needed. Now they are down to the bare essentials. That is really sad. 

It makes me think of when I walk through antique stores, which I love to do, about the fact that all these things I am looking at once belonged to someone. Personal things. Happy memory things. Historical event things. Business things. Out dated things. Obsolete things. Cherished things. One of a kind things. Collectible things.

Because we have moved Mom and Daddy several times and have had to distribute their things, I have gained a new perspective of my own things. I am trying to think before I buy, "Do I really need this?" or "This is just one more thing that will have to be packed up one day!" I try to think about de-cluttering and getting rid of things that I no longer, or ever, use. I like to have something that belonged to my parents, and grandparents. For nostalgia. What will my girls want of mine? Anything? Will any of my things bring good memories to them that they want to hold on to it for sentimental reasons?! Or will they just want the things from their grandparents that I have kept?!

Speaking of de-cluttering, I need to get busy!


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