Preparing for Christmas

Jesus Christ has done everything, first to last, that is involved in bringing you from death in sin to life in glory. Our Savior planned and achieved redemption, called and is keeping you, has justified, and is sanctifying, and will glorify you when you are finished with this world. What a cause for joy! 
~Joni Eareckson Tada

Because the story of Jesus’ birth is so known and familiar to us, we do something we don’t do often enough. We believe the impossible.
~Revive Our Hearts, Dec. 1, 2018

Today is the first day of the Advent season. It is raining outside and the temperature lately can range anywhere from the 40's to the 60's, and back again. I have not begun to decorate for Christmas. No tree yet! No wreaths on the windows!

I have been reading lately about trying not to go overboard with the material side of Christmas, to slow down and focus on the reason we celebrate Christmas. So, I think that is what I will do this year. Not go crazy decorating my house; not buy so many unnecessary gifts; not watch every Christmas movie on TV (that one will be hard). 

Now that no children live in our house it is a little easier to not get so caught up in all the busyness of Christmas. But there are days when I miss that busyness. Which one gets the pleasure of opening the Advent calendar box to see what ornament waits inside, or whose turn is it to move the Mary and Joseph on the wall calendar a little closer to Bethlehem; doing crafts of the season with my girls; playing a Christmas game during school hours and calling it educational; reading another Christmas story at bedtime. These days my preparations for Christmas are more "adult" in nature: reading an Advent devotional, studying the names of God, reading John MacArthur's book on the birth of Christ. 

I have always loved the Christmas season and everything about it: the lights, the trees, the music (especially the music), the movies, the food! But in the past I have not always enjoyed it like I should, mainly because of the busyness. So this year, I hope to scale back and really enjoy the coming of Christmas. Spend time with my family. Read my Advent devotionals. Decorate, eventually, at least put up a tree. And maybe do a little baking!

I want to really focus on why I believe the impossible: a virgin gave birth to a King, my Savior!


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