Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning

September 11, 2001. The title to this entry is a song by Alan Jackson written after the events of 9/11. Where were you when you heard about the attack? Will you ever forget that day?

I was actually still in bed when my daughter came to my room and told me that a plane had just crashed into the World Congress Center. What? Honey, that's physically not possible. Yes, Mom, it's true!

So, I climb out of bed and go downstairs where the girls are watching TV. Sure enough, a plane had crashed into a building. Only, it's not the World Congress Center. It's the World Trade Center! Unbelievable!

For the next few minutes as we watch and listen to the commentators on TV, not real sure themselves what is happening, all of a sudden another plane is spotted in the sky headed straight for the other World Trade Center tower. We watch, horrified, as this plane smashes into the tower and fire erupts, debris flying everywhere. This is bizarre to say the least.

I was standing on my staircase, ready to head up and get dressed when I notice one of the towers looks like it is starting to shake. I remain frozen to the spot and say to my girls it looks like this tower is shaking. I think it is going to fall. No way; that's impossible. Before our eyes, the tower crumbles to the ground in a cloud of dust. My heart sank. All those people. Dear God, what is happening here?! Just minutes later, the other tower begins to shake. Oh, my word, all those people. Down comes the other tower. Now we, along with the rest of the country, are in total shock and disbelief.

The news switches to Washington where another plane has rammed into the side of the Pentagon. Is this nightmare ever going to end? They show the President in Florida in a school room full of school children. Someone speaks to him privately. You can see by his face this is not good.

Now the news is reporting yet another plane has been hijacked and they think it is heading towards the White House. But before it can reach its destination, it crashes in a field in Pennsylvania. This keeps getting scarier and scarier.

America came under attack that day like never before. The scenes of people jumping out of windows to escape the burning building. The huge cloud of smoke billowing up from the collapse of the towers. The debris falling like snow everywhere. People covered in dust and soot, running for their lives. Firefighters getting caught and trapped trying to rescue people as the towers come crashing down on top of them.

But I will never forget the sight of those towers collapsing to the ground and the feeling of my heart sinking within me. All I could think of was so many people just slipped into eternity. Were they ready to meet their Maker? How will their families cope with this devastating, evil act? Will America ever recover? Is the end of time here?

All I know for sure, God is sovereign and He is still on His throne.


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