Respectable Sins-Chapter Six

Directions For Dealing with Sin

p. 48 Not only has God forgiven us our sins, He has also credited to us the perfect righteousness of Christ. In every area of life where we have been disobedient, Jesus was perfectly obedient.

In both His sinless life and His sin-bearing death, Jesus was perfectly obedient, perfectly righteous, and it is that righteousness that is credited to all who believe.

p. 50 If we have memorizedand prayed over Scriptures that address our subtle sins, the Holy Spirit will bring them to mind in particular situations to remind us of the will of God, to warn us, and to guide us in our response to the temptation.

It is through prayer that we consciously acknowledge our need of the Holy Spirit, and it is through prayer that we continually acknowledge the presence of those persistent sin patterns in our lives.

p. 51 Summary: 1)Apply the gospel; 2) depend on the Holy Spirit; 3) recognize your responsibility; 4) identify specific respectable sins; 5) memorize and apply appropriate Scriptures; 6) cultivate the practice of prayer; and 7) involve one or a few other believers with you.


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