
Showing posts from March, 2014

May the Mind of Christ my Savior

May the mind of Christ my Savior Live in me from day to day. By His love and power controlling  All I do and say. May the Word of God dwell richly In my heart from hour to hour, So that all may see I triumph Only through His power. May the love of Jesus fill me As the waters fill the sea. Him exalting, self abasing, This is victory. May His beauty rest upon me As I seek the lost to win, And may they forget the channel Seeing only Him. May I run the race before me Strong and brave to face the foe; Looking only unto Jesus As I onward go. ~ Arthur Cyril Barham-Gould, Kate Barclay Wilkinson

Pippa's Song

 The year's at the spring, And day's at the morn; Morning's at seven;  The hillside's dew-pearled; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn; God's in His heaven- All's right with the world! ~Robert Browning Pictures taken at Gibbs Gardens

Every Promise

From the breaking of the dawn t o the setting of the sun, I will stand on every promise of Your Word. Words of power, strong to save, that will never pass away, I will stand on every promise of Your Word. For Your covenant is sure, and on this I am secure, I can stand on every promise of Your Word. When I stumble and I sin, condemnation pressing in, I will stand on every promise of Your Word.  You are faithful to forgive, that in freedom I might live, so I stand on every promise of Your Word.  Guilt to innocence restored: You remember sins no more!  So, I'll stand on every promise of Your Word. When I'm faced with anguished choice, I will listen to Your voice, and I'll stand on every promise of Your Word.  Through this dark and troubled land You will guide me with Your hand as I stand on every promise of Your Word.  And You've promised to complete every work begun in me, so I'll stand on every promise of Your Word. Hope that lifts me from despair, lo...

Name Change

I have changed the name of this blog because #1) most of the posts don't have much to do with my whole family, just me and #2) not all of the posts have to do with what is going on in my life. Trying to decide what to change the name to was a little difficult. I really did not want to include my name or a personal pronoun: I this, or I that or Sherree's this or that. My purpose to even write in this blog is to put down in "print" things that I like to spend some time thinking about. If I come across a poem or a devotional that means a lot to me, or a song that grips my heart strings that I want to remember are the things I want in this blog. Then, of course, there are the posts where something has/is going to happen in my life or my family's life that I want to write about. So, now I need to update with some things that have actually been happening in my life! Like the 2 snow events this winter, and Hannah's wedding plans, and Moriah's graduation plans...